Whether you’re at the office or heading out on a date, you need to feel your absolute best. To do this, you need to have the right scent. Perfumes and colognes can be an important part of your personal style—or they can be a dealbreaker. There are so many great options available today, but if you aren’t careful, perceptive smells can expose your flaws as much as they reveal hidden charms. Keep reading to learn about some common mistakes female scent lovers make, and how to avoid them to get the most from your perfume.

You Always Wear Your Perfume When You’re not Wearing it
When you wear a fragrance, it should go with what you’re wearing. You shouldn’t be wearing cotton if you’re wearing silk. For example, if you’re wearing a white shirt, you need to make sure your perfume has some kind of white-colored scent to go with it. If you aren’t wearing a white shirt but you’re wearing perfume with a light blue scent, you’re going to have a problem.
You Only Wear Fragrance on Special Occasions
When you wear a scent, you need to wear it all the time. Even if it’s something simple like your signature perfumes, you should wear it whenever you’re going out. If you only wear your perfumes when you’re going on dates, you’re going to end up smelling bad! Make your signature scent a part of your everyday style. If you only wear it on special occasions, your signature scent is going to end up smelling like a rare flower.
You Buy Based on the Name or Brand
This is one of the most common mistakes female scent lovers make. You shouldn’t base your perfumes choice on the name or the fragrance’s brand. When you do this, you’re going to be stuck with scents you don’t like. If you buy a scent based on its name or fragrance brand, you’re going to buy scents that are either too heavy or too light. If you end up with a scent that’s too light, you’re going to end up smelling like a cloud. On the other hand, if you get a scent that’s too heavy, it’s going to be like cutting into a cake with a dull knife.
You Don’t Check the Notes Before Buying
Fragrance notes are so important. When you buy a perfume based on its name or brand, you need to take the time to check the notes. Not only will this allow you to make an informed purchase, it’s going to keep you from wasting your money on scents that are either too heavy or too light. If you don’t check the notes, you’re going to end up buying scents that have notes you don’t like. It’s like wearing a pair of pants with a note of fish.
You Buy Based on the Price Tag
Lastly, don’t buy a fragrance based on its price tag. No matter how much money you spend, you need to be able to enjoy your perfumes. If you buy a fragrance because of its price tag, you’re going to end up buying perfumes that either have notes that you don’t like, or scents you don’t like. Don’t let the price tag influence you. If a frag doesn’t sound good, it doesn’t sound good.
You Wait a Long Time to Test-Drive a Perfume Before you Buy it
If you feel like you have a fragrance in mind, but you aren’t sure if you like it, don’t wait until you’re out shopping to find out if you should buy it. If you wait until you’re out to buy a fragrance, it’s going to be too late to take it back. If you wait too long, it’s possible you’ll end up letting the salesperson talk you into something that isn’t your style.
If you’re in the store and you aren’t sure if you want to buy the scent, ask the salesperson. If the salesperson isn’t helping you find a fragrance you like, politely ask for help and let them know you’re looking for something simple. If you don’t buy the scent, you can always take it back to the store.
Having the right perfumes for you can make a significant impact on your personal style. However, many people make mistakes when it comes to selecting the right scent. When you avoid these mistakes, you can enjoy a more fulfilling relationship with your perfumes.