When it comes to scent most men dont know how to apply perfume for long lasting stay, your sense of smell is one of the most powerful tools you have. Cologne or perfume? These two small choices can alter the way people perceive you and make or break an encounter. You might even say that how you smell is how people will first see you.
After all, perfumes are more than just a means to mask body odour; they have a powerful influence on how people perceive you. That’s why it’s worth spending some time thinking about which cologne is best for you and how you should use perfume effectively. Read on for more information…

What is Perfume?
Perfume is commonly understood as the use of scented oils and alcohols to smell pleasant. While this may be the primary function of perfume, it is interesting to note that scent has a psychological effect on the wearer as well. In fact, perfumes are more than just a smell; they are a mixture of fragrant oils and alcohols.
These ingredients are combined with other ingredients to create a scent that is pleasant to smell and is also appealing to the human nose. A perfume will typically contain at least five components:
- A fragrance oil – This is the base scent of the perfume.
- A fixative – This ensures the longevity of the scent by holding the oil in place.
- A carrier oil – This is a plant-derived oil that allows the perfume to be absorbed into the skin.
- Fragrance Diluent – This is an alcohol that helps to transport the fragrance oils to the skin.
- Top Note – This is the initial scent that people smell when they first apply the perfume.
How do you know if your perfume has reached its peak?
Regardless of how well your perfume is made, it will eventually max out at its scent intensity. This is due to a few different reasons, including the age of the perfume, your skin’s natural oils, and the fact that you may be wearing the perfume too often. Knowing when to take your perfume off is a good way to keep your scent balanced, as well as keep your skin healthy and strong.
If you wear the same scent all the time, it will quickly become too strong for your skin, leaving it oily, dry, and possibly even sensitive. If you don’t wear your perfume often enough, or if you’re wearing it at a young age, the scent intensity will not last as long. It will also become much more intense, leaving you with a strong scent that is possibly too powerful for your skin type. If you are wearing a perfume at an older age, such as in your 30s, it will wear much less intensely than it would in your teen years.
Types of Perfume
Body Perfumes – These are composed primarily of natural ingredients such as citrus oils, herbs, and flowers.
Eau de Toilettes – Also known as EDTs, these are lighter, fresher scents meant to be worn as a daily perfume.
Parfums – These are more expensive and complex scents meant for wearing only occasionally.
Potions – These are the most intense and extravagant types of perfumes, often made for special occasions.
How to Apply Perfume
When applying perfume, you want to make sure you smell good, but you also want to make sure that you don’t overdo it. The key is to apply a small amount of perfume to one side of your neck and one wrist, and then allow the scent to softly waft across your body as you walk. As you walk around the room, take in the scent and allow it to gently waft across your body.
Make sure to smell your wrist as well, as this will give you an extra hint as to how you smell and be an indicator of how well you smell. After you’ve applied perfume on one side of your body and wrist, gently waft the scent across the other side of your body and wrist. Continue to do this until you’ve applied it evenly throughout your body.
Tips for Applying Perfume
Find a Good Smelling Spot – Wherever you apply your perfume should be a place where you’ll typically smell it, such as near your bed or in your car. Make sure it’s something that you’ll smell most often.
Don’t Spray and Walk – In general, you want to apply perfume at one scent intensity. However, there are times when you want to apply a very intense perfume, such as for a special occasion. When you apply a very intense perfume, you don’t want the scent to waft around your body and then immediately disappear, you want to allow it to gently waft across your body as you walk. Therefore, when you apply a very intense perfume, you don’t want to spray it and walk right away but instead allow it to waft across your body as you walk around the room.
Wear Your Fragrance – Since perfume is intended to be worn, you want to make sure that it’s not being washed away by your shower or accidentally ingested by your toothbrush. If you can’t smell your perfume after it’s applied, you need to wear it.
Don’t Overdo it – Remember, you want to apply a small amount of perfume and then allow the scent to lightly waft across your body as you walk. Once you’ve applied perfume to one side of your body and wrist, gently waft the scent across the other side of your body and wrist.
How to Apply Perfume to Your Body
Choose your scent – Once you apply perfume to your body, you’ll want to make certain that you’re wearing it. If you’ve applied it to your wrists and one side of your body but you can’t smell it, try it on your other wrist and other body part.
Choose the right perfume – Your perfume choice will be much different than another person’s perfume choice. If you’re wearing a scent that you know smells a certain way, try a different scent to see how it affects your scent.
Apply on the right body parts – Your body parts have a scent that is unique to you. Therefore, it’s important to apply your perfume only to the areas that you’ll be able to smell it. Make sure to apply perfume on your wrists and one side of your neck and then waft it across your body as you walk.
If you want to be the most attractive person around, it’s worth investing in the best perfumes for men and women. There are many factors that contribute to attractiveness, and the way you smell is one of them. When you apply a fragrance, you want to make sure that it smells good and isn’t too strong. A little goes a long way. You also want to make sure that you don’t overdo it. The best times to apply perfume are before you go out, when you come back from a long day, and right before you go to bed.